Legal Documents, Forms and Contracts
Unique and Professionally Drafted Documents You Need to Plan, Start, Organize, Manage, Finance & Grow Your Business.
High Quality Documents, Drafted By Real Lawyers, For Every Step Of Your Business.
By-Laws, Resolutions, Registries, Special Resolutions and Corporate Governance. A complete scope of documents needed to keep your corporation in good standing and support your business growth.
Policies and procedures, Employee Hand-Book, Workplace Safety, Code of Conduct and Confidentiality – all the documents you need to organize your workplace and establish proper rules of conduct.
Manufacturing, Supply, Sales, Services or any other scope of business – you will find the agreement that fits your needs. Requested by Business Owners and Drafted by lawyers.
Senior Manager, Production Worker, Subcontractor – our employment documents and agreements will protect your business from unnecessary future complications. Adjusted for different industries with the business owners in mind, our documents are ready to use as soon as you need them.
NDA’s, Non-Solicitation Agreement, Letters of Intent, Cease and Desist and many other documents that any business needs from time to time.
Terms and conditions, privacy policy, cookies policy and GDPR Compliance. Sales, drop-shipping and warranty agreements. All the legal documents to protect your online business or your business website.
We constantly update our library and add new documents.